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Sustainability Spotlight Form

GPE 24

Sustainability Spotlight Form


To have your innovative print substrates included in the feature display, they must offer advantages over the ‘standard’ material version in common use. Please complete the form below to ensure the key facts are captured for consideration and display should the material be selected.

Improved use of resources – What are the benefits?

1.    Does the product contribute to the Circular economy?

2. Does the product offer more efficient use of resources?
3. Does the manufacturing or processing reduce energy consumption?
4. Natural environment:
The impact of the material on the natural environment, including raw material sourcing, manufacturing the item, working with it to produce finished items, the item or goods made using the item in use or at end of life.
5. Social benefits

Active (i.e. implemented and evidenced) policies around the treatment of workers, and supply chain, including:

6. Principles to be followed in making sustainability statements:

For transparency, the principles from the UK Guidance for businesses on making environmental claims are to be followed:

  • Claims must be truthful and accurate
  • Claims must be clear and unambiguous
  • Claims must not omit or hide important relevant information
  • Comparisons must be fair and meaningful
  • Claims must consider the full life cycle of the product or service
  • Claims must be substantiated
7. Has the material gained independent validation?

Are they any relevant Ecolabels, Independently verified certifications or evidence that you wish to add?